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Before we beginpermalink

Svemix is in early development, and some things may change before we hit version 1.0. This document is a work-in-progress. If you get stuck, reach out for help in the discussions tab or open an issue.

What is Svemix?permalink

Svemix is a somewhat different framework than you're probably used to. It can be seen as an full-stack addition to Svelte(SvelteKit). Svemix provides you with server scripts inside your Svelte components/routes, which will be transformed into endpoints. Loader functions and actions similar to remix, improved developer experience, SEO handling, cookies, easy to use forms, sessions and much more to come in the future.

How does it work?permalink

Svemix Vite-Plugin replaces all code inside <script context="module" ssr> and simulates the corresponding SvelteKit-Endpoint. SvelteKit will then make sure to run your loader on the server and for client side navigations it fetches the data required by the page.

  • This enables us to import a database or any other stuff that should never reach the client directly inside your Svelte Routes.

Getting startedpermalink

The easiest way to start building a Svemix app is to run npm init svelte@next <dir>:

npm init svelte@next my-app
cd my-app
npm install
npm install svemix
npm run dev

If you already have an existing SvelteKit project setup, that's fine you can just use npm install svemix.

Once you have the required dependency installed, you should add svemix/plugin inside your vite.config.js file under plugins, before sveltekit

import svemix from 'svemix/plugin';
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
Cannot find module '@sveltejs/kit/vite' or its corresponding type declarations.2307Cannot find module '@sveltejs/kit/vite' or its corresponding type declarations.
/** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */
const config = {
plugins: [svemix(), sveltekit()]
export default config;